Salary Calculator

Salary Calculator calculate

Salary calculator just for 1099 drivers. Subtract your expenses and see your true pre-tax earnings.






Commonly Asked Questions

Compensation is the total income you receive for completing your work. This includes your salary, wages, or any bonuses you may earn.

Vehicle expenses include loan payments and maintenance costs associated with the vehicle you use for work.

Insurance expenses are the cost of any additional insurance policies or coverage you're required to have to be eligible to work. This can be commercial auto insurance, cargo insurance, or rideshare insurance.

Other work-related expenses can include parking and tolls, phone bills associated with your job duties, and any other reasonable cost you incur while performing your work.

Earnings Breakdown

Gross Earnings $4455
circle Fuel Expenses $555
circle Vehicle Expenses $555
circle Insurance Expenses $555
circle Other Expenses $555
Pre-Tax Monthly Earnings $955